
How can I help you to enjoy life more?


Are you recovering from injuries or dealing with a new way of life with reduced movement? Let me work with you to create a plan to work for you. I’m always happy to work with or along side other services, such as your physical therapist or any other modality. 


Are you thoughts preventing you from sleeping at night? Do you have trouble concentrating at work? Perhaps you are just searching for a little peace! Aren’t we all! 😉 Let’s work together. I love meditation and think that it can have a benefit for every human. 


Looking for a class? I teach at several studios in the area, offering many different types of yoga and I’m always available for privates. 

Yoga Therapy

I am currently a Yoga Therapy student and I’m looking for participants for my studies. Would you like Yoga Therapy at a reduced rate? Are you curious about Yoga Therapy? I’d love to work with you! Be sure to check out “What is Yoga Therapy” 


Need help reducing anxiety? Want to learn healthy self care techniques? Learning to meditate? Email me what type of workshop you’d love to attend! 

Day Retreats

Interested in a lovely retreat, right from the comfort of your own home or hotel room? No need to pay costly airfare or take time off work. We’ll work together to find a little bit of peace right in your own space. This retreat teaches you how to find those moments of time within your everyday life. 

How Can I Help?

How can I help you? Would you like help in balance of mind and body? Would you like to gain strength of mind and body? What would make your life more enjoyable and more fun?


I’m currently teaching in person classes at Elemental Om in Mason, OH and at The Muscle Center in West Chester, OH. 

Just go to the “contact me” page and pick one! I’ll be happy to get back to you in any way you message. I check email and voicemail regularly. Just leave your name, number and how you are interested in working with me. 

Client Testimonials

"Paige, During this season of giving thanks, I want to say thank you for teaching. I really enjoy the class and you as an instructor."
“Thank you so much! I really enjoy your classes!"
“I feel so much better when I can make it to your classes! I am getting around better than ever!"

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